Sunday, March 30, 2008


We are having another look at
sewing cards - this time boxed sets.
These sets are all used and
are as found.

The box set below has been dated
as circa 1910 (according to Darlene J.
Gengelbach, the author of Encyclopedia of
Children's Sewing Collectibles - identification
and values). It is made by Parker Brothers (Inc)
Salem Mass. U.S.A. There should be 10
cards in the set and the set below has its
original 10 cards.

The pictures are pinpricked and quite detailed.
I would suggest that to sew these cards, the young
child would have been quite skilled. The set
shown in the book "Children's Sewing Collectibles"
are of animals whereas this set is - Objects - as
stated on the front of the box.

First Steps in Sewing - Germany
There are no further clues as to maker and date but
I would say circa 1910's.

There are only five cards in the box and I would say
that there would be some missing. Again, the cards
are pinpricked, small and detailed.

Below -
This set is dated 1950 - it reads "Copyright MCML by The
Saalfield Pub Co. Akron Ohio - Made in U.S.A."

There are eight cards in the box and are all
original and complete. (The cards are all pictured
on the box and around the sides).

Next is a set made by Ed-u-Cards Inc. U.S.A.

This set has a different approach in that you sew "card" clothes on
to a cardboard doll.
The set is also shown in the book "Children's Sewing Collectibles".
All dolls and clothing are still with my set but two
of the laces are missing. It has also been added to
with another two sets of sewing cards from other
sets of which I have yet to identify.

Below - Sampler Sewing Cards - box reads "Copyright
MCMLIV (1954) by The Saalfield Pub. co. Akron O.
Made in U.S.A.
There are 12 Sampler Designs, 4 Balls of Yarn,
Tapestry Needle, and Illustrated Instructions.

There are lots of designs to cross-stitch.
In this set, there are 10 cards, however, it has been added
to and there again, I have yet to identify all of the
other cards.

Next time, I will have a little look at embroidery


Anonymous said...

My sister and I had the sew-on cards like the elephant and teddy bear when we were little girls in the late 50's.

crazyhaberdasher said...

What fun! Do you still have the set?