The fan is a popular shape when it comes to needlework accessories. I have put together a small selection of my collection using this shape.
This is a fan pin holder, using two pieces of silk-covered card joined together, then edged with lace and ribbon and embroidered. The pins also become a decorative feature of the overall look when they are pushed between the two layers.

Next is a well-used fan shaped holder for Miladi Artificial Silk which is Made in England. The fan card has stencilled flowers, with the rounded end of the card showing tinges of gold. Three pictures that follow show the inside of the fan, another unused card not in a holder, and closeup of the Miladi card. Can anyone date these for me?

Ahh, versatile felt. I could do a post on a collection of felt needlework accessories alone. This is a blue felt handmade holder for more mending thread. This time it is a Lusecor Fan Card. The end of the fan card reads - Special British - Lisle Mending - Fashion Shades - for all kinds of - Hosiery - ....possibly 1930's.

In a previous post I showed you an opened fan button card, here it is closed.

This is a Penelope Needle Book, made in Germany. There are variations on these needle books, different colours, patterns, and different names.

I was very kindly sent this article on collecting needle books which is from the magazine Country Living, July 2006 issue, if you would like to look it up.

Another needle book (and I know it is not a fan) that I just love for the picture.

In another early post, I showed a large spool knitter which I thought represented Becassine, I still don't know if it does, but it is the tallest of my collection so far at 17cms (6.5 ins). Well, I thought you might be interested in seeing the smallest spool knitter that I have complete with its own box. This one measures 2cms and is a working model as you can see by the length of "cord"!
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