While I need about a week to finish my sewing stands, I will be holding a little competition. All you have to do is leave a comment (either here or on Have a Notion) and tell us a little about your collection. Whichever is the most interesting according to the judge (hubby Chris), will win a piebird of an Australian cockatoo (made by Robert Gordon Pottery in Australia) and I will ship worldwide.

For those who would like to know about piebirds, see here.
BELOW IS THE PRIZE - a nice shade of purple/blue, and it measures 11cms to the tip of his beak. I will run the competition for a week (ending midnight, Friday, June 29th '07). Remember to make it as interesting as you can, and GOODLUCK! (Judge's decision will be final!)

WAAAAAHH I can't enter ... you already know just about everything I collect. :[
Will mention the comp on the Blog tho.
Thanks Sue, but you know that you wont miss out on anything regardless of the competition or not ...... I like spoiling my special friend!
Hmm, what do I collect - I collect black cat stuff. I have fridge magnets, cards/postcards, stuffed black cats, coasters, some black cat wall art... I also seem to collect yarn, knitting books, patterns, and covers (mp3s of artists covering other artists' music).
I have never heard of piebirds before! Thanks for the Shaun the Sheep link.
I collect egg cups. It started with one my mother had as a girl, shaped like a bear. (The egg sort of goes in where his brain would be -- eeww!) Anyway, now I have a bunch from all over the place, including Austria, but none from Australia. :)
I also have a bunch of old recipe booklets published by various food manufacturers, featuring their products. One is from Jello (US gelatin dessert), and hails from the '30's. It's got Jack Benny and Gracie Allen lauding the delights of Jello.
I have added a link to the post if you would like to know more about piebirds. Thanks for the entries so far, fantastic!
This is fun!
Thanks for the info on piebirds. They would make an interesting collection!
I have a few collections; dragons, cat things, old phonograph records (my favourite being "Hallelujah I'm a Bum") and my extensive earring collection - from tiny diamond studs, beautiful 1940s costume jewellery earrings, right down to my painted wooden fish earrings and my flat clay disc earrings!
Hmm....Fabric (for my bags), yarn, cats in all materials (even breathing ones!) - glass, wood, ceramic - teddy bears, knitting mags, craft books...
(I'd better stop, this could go on awhile!)
i collect lady bug things.
Candles, wallets, painted rocks, garden things, towels--etc etc etc
I collect m&m dispenser/holders. I have a zillion of them but they are all in boxes at my aparents house. And the one thing that sets me apart from most collectors... I use them. (oh the horror) Btu i figure they are not an investment for me so i might as well.
Let see I collect glass...statues, doodads and vases etc...bright and colorful.
i also collect miniture teacup sets.
I collect things made from linen (the fibre) - napkins, tablecloths, tea towels, hankies, table runners, etc. The more vintage it is, the better. I am partial to items that have some embroidery. I have a seperate collection of half finished embroidery/cross stitch items that I buy from the thrift stores.
I also collect fridge magnets and anything with Winnie the Pooh on it.
Aside from yarn, I collect fridge magnets, and the state quarters.
I used to collect porcelain dragons. They are all gone now except a special few. Now, about the only thing I collect is yarn, yarn, and now hand-dyed sock yarn.
I collect yarn now but I used to collect those little bags of sugar. I had loads of different ones from all over the place with Sydney Harbour on or exotic airlines. Actually, I have a couple from Montenegro that I collected on holiday - old habits die hard, eh?
I've not seen so many different pie birds!
Aside from yarn, I collect bones. Primarily skulls when I can find them. And occasionally, if I've found a dead creature that is still fleshy, I'll bury it and return to get its skull, or if it is small and mostly not fleshy, bring it home and put it under leaves in a cage. Lately I haven't been traipsing about the woods much, so I haven't found many skulls. DH brought home a lovely moose skull a few years ago (still a bit rank...it definitely sat out at a distance). What I really wanted to do was paint the hallway (up the stairs) a deep translucent fushchia and hang the skulls there. DH said no way. So the hall is a sunny yellow. A couple of big skulls are on the indside porch wall. Two moose sit up in the garden and in the winter hold bird food. Some of the smaller ones are on a mantel. We've donated many to nature centers for touch and feel. But these are only found objects, I don't purchase or harm anybody to get them!
I collect paint-by-number pictures, particularly horses. I have about 30 total, maybe 10 horses. I also went through a strange phase of buying train post-cards on ebay, but that has long since past (and I'm utterly puzzled by them now).
I collect Mickey Mouse stuff. Only Mickey. At least I'm easy to shop for.lol
I collect little Vespa's and toy micro cars. Micro cars are even smaller than a Mini Cooper - I collect toy Mini Coopers too. Oh and little toy MGA 1500's.
Hi,I came over from Chris' blog, and don't normally enter contests. But I actually have a pie bird that fits in with the rest of my collection. You see, 34 years ago I married my DH and now my last name is Chicken. (yes, really) So we recieved a few chickens as wedding gifts, and decided we might as well give in and collect them. They are made of metal, fabric, ceramic, glass, resin, wicker, and one that started life as a gourd and the seeds inside rattle. I have about 250 and they range in size from less than an inch tall to almost 3 feet. My largest one is dressed as a butler holding two trays and his name is Rhett, of course. Some are quite old, as the ceramic bank from Czechoslovakia, a cast metal one brightly painted from Portugal, and several on canisters. Several are stained glass to hang in windows, and one is a wind chime. I even have a pair of earrings amd several other pieces of jewelry. I have sugar bowls, teapots, jampots, and a number of dishtowels. I do confine them to my kitchen/living room/dining room. Otherwise they would take over the house. I'm not really entering your contest as the blue piebird wouldn't really find a home here, but I love hearing and telling about what we all collect.
I also have a small yarn stash and a very large fabric stash.
Over 20 years ago, the Army sent me to Germany. I decided that I wanted some small object to collect that was unique to Europe so that we would have the memories when we returned to the US.
So I settled on Igels (Hedgehogs), figuring that there would not be too many, placing a limit on how many of what.
Several things happened - I have been stationed back in Germany multiple times, my family thought they had gifts for me covered for a long time - and - this is the kicker - there are hundreds of the freeking things!
From the first one to the last one - my shelves and a hutch have been invaded by over 300 of the things. Glass, wood, porcelain, clay, chestnuts full of tooth picks (guess what I made Mommy in kindergarten - x 4 kids), metal.
You name it, someone has created.
I really don't want any more, but since I can't bear to put them all away no one believes me....
[I am really enjoying reading what everyone has said - but I don't want anything else on the shelves - dusting is a real chore]
I decided to list the collections even though I'm not entered for the Bird:
Fabric [ the Great Wall of Fabric can be seen from the moon ]
yarn [ not as big as the fabric stash but it still has its own room ]
quilt magazines
cats [ live as well as any other material ]
japanese stuff [ fabric, kimono, lucky cats, dolls, china, etc etc etc ]
xmas trees
well, xmas stuff in general really
postcards - particularly vintage japanese, christmas or cat ones
blue and white china
blue and white christmas plates
coffee mugs [ blue and white, christmas and cats predominate as you well know. I'm sensing a theme here ]
knitting patterns esp vintage baby ones
needle cards
sewing tools
knitted guinea pigs
pincushions [ with a sub group of blue cat ones ]
vintage kitchenalia
did I forget anything?? :]
ooooh yeah. I forgot.
vintage linens
I collect a number of things (family of pack rats), but the things I collect the most are books. I have every single book I've bought or been given since I was very very young. Every tattered children's book that mom read to me at night is still on my bookshelf. Every time I go into a bookshop I must buy a book. Some of the books I've read a million times, some just a few. I'm not obsesive about keeping them in tip-top shape hidden away in plastic folders because books are meant to be handled and read. I have over a thousand books in my home ranging through every genre you can imagine. My favorites to collect are non-fiction (history, science, biography); cookbooks; and knitting books. I'm also a big fan of Edward Gorey and have all his books and art. I recently did a little check up on my books and it turns out that more than half of them are out of print.
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