(Sorry, but not sure about some of these types of materials.)
This basket is empty and the kapok filled silk pincushion lined
lid is rather dilapidated. I did not take a photo of the inside, but
if you would like to see inside, let me know.
These baskets remind me of the type you see in such movies
as Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, etc.
It would be very tempting to place several tools in here. In a way it does make it "come to life", to give it a proper purpose, to give it a provenance, but that would not be right. Only if it is going to be genuinely used as such would give it a "new story".
This sewing basket stands about 30 inches (75 cms), and from 1920's - 30's. It is pink silk lined.
The contents are not original to this basket but are only being stored in it. The small shelf under the basket is missing its lining as there is evidence of glue in it.. The lady I purchased this from said that it had a pink silk lining on the bottom and around the sides.
The Coats box pictured beside the basket is a shop counter display box for cotton reels.
Below is pictured some of the contents currently being stored in this basket. Button cards, needle books, and other haberdashery items.
The cross stitch worked pin card has the name Ann Parker worked on it. It is gingham backed.
The book is one of many available on the website.
I would've thought that the shamrock one was a wee bit older than that. It has a kind of late victorian sensibility to it... but as you know more about 'em than me, I bow to your judgement :]
btw if you ever see another one of those pussycat needle cases, I know a close friend of yours who'd love one !!! Okay, okay, just joking ... sort of
I dont know for sure about the age of the red velvet box - and yes, it really is shamrock shaped rather than clover shaped - it could be older.
......and I am keeping an eye out for another cat needlecase.
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